This one is for you Juliana at A Blond walk Into a blog. Juliana asked: I saw all this stuff on EXTRA about non surgical facelifts and how they use collagen masks...so I am wondering about using Palmers on my face? What do you think?
I’m not sure about Palmer but this is what I found:
Purchase the ingredient for your collagen mask. Numerous universities have discovered that certain forms of honey, especially active manuka honey, perform serious healings on the skin - it absorbs deeply, heals wounds, clears infections like nothing else can, etc. Honey of all types has also long been known to be a wonderful hydrator for the skin, causing moisture to be attracted and absorbed by it. And, a recent report stated a university in New Zealand found active manuka honey helps the skin build stronger collagen. Find active manuka honey either online or at health food stores. It's more expensive than regular honey, but a small jar goes a long way and it's the only ingredient you need for this collagen mask.
Step 2
Put the jar in your shower or tub. The problem with any honey mask is that it's a sticky mess. Plus, when honey masks are applied near steam and moisture, they give the skin even more benefits. The secret to this collagen mask is that you'll apply it each time you shower or bathe, which eliminates extra time needed to sit around wearing a collagen mask, eliminates the sticky problem, and adds the bonus of moisture. You'll just keep your jar here. It doesn't need to be refrigerated.
Step 3
Apply the manuka honey collagen mask. As soon as you enter the shower or tub, moisten your hands, then dab a small amount (about the amount of a glass marble) onto your fingers, and spread it onto your face and neck. Leave it on until your shower or bath is complete, then rinse it off right before you get out. If you can leave your collagen mask on for 20 minutes or longer, that would be best. If you general do other facial care in the shower, go ahead and do it first, then apply your natural collagen mask. Make this part of your regular routine to allow your skin to improve more and more over time.
Step 4
Take a bonus collagen mask. If you want to have a longer collagen mask session outside the bath or shower, put on an old T-shirt. Moisten your face and hands with warm water. Apply the honey collagen mask. Wait 30 minutes. Wet and wring out a clean washcloth with warm water and hold it over your face, repeat with more warm water to hold the washcloth over your neck (for a minute each). Then rinse off the sweet collagen mask. You'll no doubt get stickiness on your T-shirt, but it washes out easily.
Have yourself a beautiful skin…MUAH MUAH!!
This is so so so true about honey. I know I use powdered honey in a lot of my masks that I sell, so you not only get the benefit of the honey but the clays as well. :)
Although you need to be care with powdered honey as there is a limit to how much you can use in a product (%).
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You know my sister told me about honey masks a little bit ago ~ she has the best skin, hands down. Anyway, she mixes her with a little sugar for a scrubby affect. I'm not sure if this is the same type thing that you're talking about but I never tried it because of the sticky factor. With your tip about the shower (doh!) I will now. Great post. New follower from Friday Follow.
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